Become a member

Becoming a member of Inala means you can have a direct impact on the vital work Inala does.

Membership is open to any eligible person with a genuine interest in Inala, including individuals living with a disability, their families, friends, carers and supporters.

Why become a member?

Inala members can have vital input into the work Inala does. This is through:
  • Voting rights, giving you the chance to make your voice heard
  • Attending member’s meetings, including the Annual General Meeting
  • Access to news about Inala only available to members of the Inala community
  • Access to our annual reports which detail our impact and progress

Who can become a member?

To be eligible as a member, a person must:
  • not be an employee of Inala or the spouse of an employee of Inala
  • apply in writing to become a Member
  • be nominated by two existing members
  • agree to be bound by Inala’s Constitution.

How do I become a member?

Download and complete the form below and return it to us via email or mail.
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