Coping with Change

Apr 23, 2020

With Coronavirus being declared a global pandemic, the world came to a standstill. Social distancing measures came into effect, and any unnecessary travel was banned. Even trying to purchase toilet paper became a mission in itself! Although this is a challenging time for us all, we continue to live life and look for the positive aspects – and there are quite a few!

It has been wonderfully heart-warming to see how everyone has adapted to the changes and are taking advantage of the opportunity to slow down, try new activities and spend time with housemates and family. Peter has had extra time to work on his backyard vegetable garden and Susan has been practising her yoga skills while soaking up the sunshine. Sophie has been able to spend more time with her cat Pepper, and everyone is particularly thankful for the fresh eggs her chickens dutifully produce.

Corinne received an iPad for her birthday, a timely present as she spends time indoors learning how to use this new device.

One of the highlights has been the adoption of ‘socially distanced music performances’ to some of Inala’s residents – they have been a big hit!

It is clear that while some things may have changed in recent weeks, our ability to create, to connect and to grow remains strong.

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