Inala Chairman, Mr Bill Best, welcomed the guests and spoke of the pioneering work of Dr Joachim and Mrs Kyra Pohl, who together with eight families bought the land at Cherrybrook and established Inala in 1958. Bill spoke of the growth of Inala over the past 60 years and the thriving community that now supports over 200 people living with disability through a variety of individual and flexible Accommodation, Day and Community supports.
Inala Patron, Blanche d’Alpuget, was also recognised for her dedication and contribution to Inala as well as the loyal support of Member for Epping, Mr Damien Tudehope.
Joint CEO, Martin Porteous, spoke of the impulse which inspired the founding and development of Inala and of the enthusiasm with which Inala looks forward to creating its future as a contemporary connected community supporting individuals living with disability and their families.
Mrs Susan Stuby, one of the founding parents of Inala spoke of her experience at Inala and the many benefits for her son Geoffrey.
“The Inala family comprising of all our wonderful staff, parents and friends, volunteers and most of all our very special children and adults are so very fortunate to have this home of peace and I am grateful to have witnessed the continued growth and for Geoffrey to have the benefits.”
Nicole Eagling, whose daughter Renee has participated in Inala’s day programs for 11 years spoke of her gratitude and the love and respect shown towards her daughter and the feeling of Inala being part of their family. Her wishes for Inala in the future focused on increased flexibility of support and encouraging the younger parents to be involved in the community to ensure the vibrancy created over the past 60 years remains well into the future.
The formal proceedings concluded with the cutting of our anniversary cake by three original Inala residents, Russell, Andrew and Geoffrey.
This was a wonderful day of community, reflection and friendship, recognising the foresight of our founders as well looking towards the future of Inala.
Inala would like to thank the invaluable assistance on the day from the Cherrybrook Lions and Leos Club and ‘The Dinner Ladies’ who generously donated the delicious lunch.